- groep voorschoten (nl), photographics
- brigitta mels (be), glass
- nadia vermeren (be), glass
groep voorschoten
elly deinum ( °1941 )
jan de jong ( °1942 )
wil van leeuwen ( °1937 )
renée vermond ( °1969 )
"photographics is probably the most pure form of black-and-white
photography. all grey values are removed until you are left with only black
and white. an exciting work of art depends on the critical attitude of the
artist, from the original shot to the final image and throughout all the
development phases in between."

brigitta mels
°1949 kemzeke
her works have a sober simplicity and at the same time create a strong
tension which often derives from well-chosen contrasts in the choice of
colour and material. her art as a whole is imbued with an atmosphere of
tranquil unity and artistic maturity (miloslava svobodova, ika, mechelen)

nadia vermeren
°1953 willebroek
"daylight, i'm always looking for daylight. I catch it with my tools and
then the light begins to impose its will on me and makes me do things that I
could never have discovered or designed before. light is my masterÉ my work
grows impulsively into what it is to be: reflections of all kinds! who
really creates my work ?"

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