02.02.06 • 26.03.06
10 years of levka ori projects and landart photography in the cretan mountains.
an international travelling exhibition starting in bruges.

the philosopher plato situates in crete the city of his dreams "magnesia" (the laws 702-704, 969).
just as a magnet attracts only iron rings and passes on to them this power to attract other rings, the muse first inspires a few people who in turn inspire others, so that a whole chain of creative spirits arises, each of whom pass on their enthusiasm to others (dialogues, ion 533-535).
fascinated by the idea of this utopian city of magnesia (greek 'eutopos': happy land), levka ori org creates an international travelling exhibition, which will open at the artonivo gallery in bruges.
the exhibition will present the results of 10 years of international creative encounters by artists, philosophers and scientists in crete, held in a wonderfully harmonious site in the mountains which happens to have the same characteristics as described by plato.
the highlight of the exhibition will be a 360° panoramic view of the site plus many other photographs of modest landart works and an overview of the latest technology for free energy.
a special 'levka ori forum' website will be opened on the occasion of this exhibition (february 2006).
everyone will be invited to react interactively to it from their own angle - artistic, philosophical or scientific. this could set off a chain reaction, just as magnetic force passes from one iron ring to another.
more info on: LevkaOri.org

levka ori org co-operating with:
- landartcrossing (se): landart
- dany lobe (be): photography
- martine dere (be): poetry
- logos foundation (be): music
- gottfried hilscher (de): free energy
- adolf & inge schneider (ch): new technologies
- tim oeyen & sanny winters (be): graphic designers
- lien baert (be): motion graphic designer
- maarten callebert (be): interaction designer
- stichting ars floreat (nl): plato translated in dutch